See how the Atlanta Braves do scorecards.

Ever wonder how the other guys do it?

Download this scorecard template from the Braves and see the exact ticket sales goals and monthly revenue targets that reps need to hit. Steal it, save it, and use it for your own team today!

Download your scorecard now!


Free Scorecard Template

Increase transparency and improve performance

Ambition's free, downloadable scorecard templates help you hold your team accountable to their numbers, increase visibility on the sales floor, and coach in real time.

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Free KPI Calculator

Work backwards from your revenue goals to determine accurate targets and set the right benchmarks for your reps — no math required!


Activity Scorecard

Identify the right daily activities that you want your reps to focus on, then weight them. Our built-in formulas will automatically calculate a daily score.


Objective Scorecard

Daily activities should always lead to monthly outputs. Every month, your reps will work toward earning 100% on their Objective Scorecard.

Scorecards have never been easier.

Ambition takes the guesswork out of sales scorecards. Steal one of our templates and tailor it to your own team, or use it exactly as is.

Download the Braves scorecard template!